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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.


Information for International Parents



SchoolZone is an Edmonton Public Schools site to provide students and their parents with secure access to school and student information.

SchoolZone shares school news, assignments, attendance and homework via the Internet. Student progress reports and report cards are also posted here.

Parents of international students may gain access to SchoolZone by completing the following steps:

  • Send an email to International Programs at isp@epsb.ca using the subject line SchoolZone Setup Request and including the following information:
    • Parent(s) full name(s)
    • Parent(s) email address
    • Student's full name
    • Student's date of birth
    • Student's EPS ID #
  • Once this request is received, the parent(s) will be set up for access to SchoolZone by their child's school and a user ID, password and information on how to access the SchoolZone website will be sent to the parent(s) directly by the School Office.